From traditional to a smart campus: a framework sketch for King Abdulaziz University female campus
Hind Albadi, Sarah Alshami
Technology has completely enhanced how we live our lives and how people learn, work, and shop. Higher Education institutions are not
immune to these challenges, they must keep up with changes in technology and society or be left behind. King Abdulaziz University (KAU)
works to close the gap between the expectations of society and the realities of how people learn. To do so, we must take a step back and
critically assess where we are today. This study aims to propose a sketch of the I-campus. The smart campus sketch in this study aims to
allow KAU to use smart technology with existing infrastructure to enhance learning, services, decision-making, and campus sustainability,
among other things. This study proposes a smart campus sketch based on smart city concepts. This proposed project aims to preserve and
enhance KAU's status as an institution of high-quality higher education that meets the aspirations of its community. Using the existing
female campus map, the study believes that KAU could adopt all or some of the
sketched smart campus criteria suggested in this study.
Advanced Studies: Euro-Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, Vol. 16, supplement issue 2 (2023), pp. 83-94